Che Guevara had spoken Spanish as his native lang. So i will search for his quotes taken by his native lang and will sum them up here.

Here starting we are...

Che Guevara Quotes

"Hay que endurecerse sin perder jamás la ternura."
"You have to toughen up without ever losing tenderness."

Sé realista, busca lo imposible.”
“Be realistic, demand the impossible.”

“El revolucionario verdadero está siempre guiado por grandes sentimientos de amor.”
“The true revolutionary is always guided by great feelings of love.”

“Prefiero morir de pie, que vivir arrodillado.”
"I prefer to die standing than to live kneeling.”

"Dejeme decirie,
a risego de parecer ridiculo,
que el revolucionario verdadero
esta guiado por grandes sentimientos de amor."

"Let me say,
at the risk of seeming ridiculous,
that the true revolutionary
is guided by great feelings of love."

NoNote. Quotes above are quoted.